
Heart failure

Heart failure includes a set of complaints caused by a no longer properly functioning heart. It develops when the heart has long been damaged or overburdened, and usually is a chronic disorder from which the patient cannot fully recover. However, with the right treatment the disorder can be kept under control.

During the past years, Remedus has acquired a lot of experience in order to support patients with chronic heart failure in their treatment and to help them deal with their disorder:

  • Medication reminders via a smartphone application to increase therapy adherence
  • Education on lifestyle changes
  • Education on symptom recognition
  • Support to the patient’s health-care team through more quickly detecting changes in the clinical picture by intensively monitoring vital parameters and symptoms


Patients who suffer from hereditary hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia often run a higher risk of getting a stroke or heart attack. A treatment is available which considerably lowers that risk.

Remedus supports those patients in sticking to their treatment via:

  • A training to learn to administer the medication oneself
  • Reminder service via SMS to timely administer the medication
  • Education on several topics (risk of hypercholesterolemia, correct treatment use, tips to lower cholesterol in other ways)
  • A starter package
  • Supporting phone conversations to better understand the treatment

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Contact us

Remedus Location

Satenrozen 17-19
2550 Kontich

Tel +32 3 870 43 90
Fax +32 3 877 85 80

Start route description

Monday – Friday

Closed on Saturday, Sunday and holidays

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