Metabolic Diseases / Endocrinology

Lysosomal storage diseases

People who suffer from a lysosomal storage disease are not able to produce enough specific enzymes in order to let the body function the way it should. Those enzymes, which take care of the disintegration of a lot of different substances, are not present at all or in really small amounts. The treatment consists of regular infusions of the lacking enzyme.

Although this disorder only affects about a thousand people all over the world (and is therefore known as an ‘orphan disease’), Remedus wants to ensure that those patients can receive the necessary treatment (which normally takes place at the hospital) within their own environment. Our services include:

  • Providing the necessary material and equipment
  • Monitoring vital parameters before and after the infusion
  • Administering medication at home

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Contact us

Remedus Location

Satenrozen 17-19
2550 Kontich

Tel +32 3 870 43 90
Fax +32 3 877 85 80

Start route description

Monday – Friday

Closed on Saturday, Sunday and holidays

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